The church that impresses God

SCRIPTURE: Luke 21:5-9
This reading makes me think of Shania Twain’s song, ‘That don’t impress me much!’
The disciples are impressed by the beautiful temple structures – like an impressive mega-church complex.
I think of a huge church I attended in New Orleans, and someone in the group with me said, ‘wow, wouldn’t you like to have a church like THIS?
Ah, no, ‘that don’t impress me much!’
Jesus knows that buildings come to ruin, but the kingdom of God endures forever.
He knows the future of the temple, and the future of our church buildings.
Every year approximately 7000 churches close their doors for the last time.
Think back to when those churches started, some with impressive buildings and programs.
God is not building a worldly kingdom; in fact the things of the world will come undone.
And out of the ruins, out of the ashes, out of the scars, out of the crises – God raises His Church.
The church is not a building, it is not an ‘it’, it is the people of God, a ‘who’!
And this temple has foundations that cannot be ruined or destroyed.
“As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him— you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 2:4-5)
When God sees people worshiping Him, ‘that impresses Him much!’
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, forgive us for spending so much on buildings – which don’t impress You – rather than on people – who do impress and bless You. Please build an impressive group of people through us this year!

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    It is what is on the inside that counts – a follow up on yesterday’s reading. Although people are impressed with the beauty, gifts, riches, etc. that is not what counts. In the end, you can’t take it with you. In the end, the beautiful buildings will be destroyed as the temple was by the Luke wrote his gospel. The heart of the matter is the heart. Stand strong. Stand rooted. Walk in the Word. Keep your eyes on the Light and walk in His SonShine. Kingdoms come and go but the Lord, He remains King forever. Follow Him and do not the glory of this temporary world get in your way.
    Jesus is Lord. All for Jesus. That brightness and beauty will never fade nor disappear.

    He is Lord, He is Lord!
    He is risen from the dead
    And He is Lord!

    Every knee shall bow
    Every tongue confess
    That Jesus Christ is Lord!

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