I did it… God’s way or my way?

SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 40-45
This story needs to he understood in the context of world history.
Violence, greed, perversion, corruption, injustice, misery – this was the norm.
The governments enforced it, and the religions endorsed it.
God sets up Israel to be a missionary people, to represent God’s justice and mercy to the world.
To live God’s way in a world committed to it’s own way.
But instead they join with their neighbours in their foolish ways.
God is warning them not to do this, that it will not end well.
“Because you have burned incense and have sinned against the Lord and have not obeyed him or followed his law or his decrees or his stipulations, this disaster has come upon you, as you now see.” (Jeremiah 44:23)
We face the same choice, and the same warning.
If we choose greed, selfishness, living for personal gain and pleasure, our lives will end in disaster.
Not because God is mean or demanding, but because THAT is what this kind of living leads to.
God wants the best for all people, but He cannot give it to them if they keep choosing the worst.
Lying, cheating, taking advantage of others, looking out for yourself, disregarding the needy, gossiping, stealing, hoarding, showing favouritism… this kind of living leads to disaster.
Loving, forgiving, helping, sharing, caring, serving, honesty, integrity, generosity… this kind of living leads to blessing.
Will I choose God’s way or will I take my chances doing it my way?
So much is at stake in my decision.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
PRAYER God, You want the best for me. I need to choose Your best for me. Help me to make the best choices today, that I may experience Your blessing.

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    The word of the Lord came to Jeremiah and Jeremiah did the word of the Lord. hearing His word requires patience as we see with the word coming ten days after praying to the Lord. And do we like hearing His word? All too often we insist upon our own way. We listen to our own voice rather than His. We destroy ourselves by going our own way following our own laws. Our eyes only see what we desire to see and we interpret the world through our eyes. Even upon hearing the word, the people shut their ears.
    This all reminds me of days of the plagues – and a hardened heart.
    I need to seek the Lord each day anew and do as He would have me do. I need to live this day as a day of the Lord.

    Seek ye first the kingdom of God
    And his righteousness
    And all these things shall be added unto you
    Man shall not live by bread alone
    but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God
    Ask and it shall be given unto you
    Seek and ye shall find
    Knock and it shall be opened unto you
    Allelu, allleluia

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