God’s frustration

SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 7-13
We have to imagine the situation behind these words to appreciate them.
God is not losing His cool or bullying innocent people.
Things were really bad… REALLY bad; we have no idea.
Child sacrifice (Jeremiah 7:30-31) was one extreme, but the crimes of these days would make our world look like a school of angels.
God had set up Israel as an alternative society, to show the world the meaning of justice and kindness.
But they were as bad as the rest of the world.
And worse, they committed their crimes, then went to the temple and claimed that God was on their side.
They worshiped God in the temple, while raping and robbing and ruining their neighbours.
They turned God’s temple into a den of robbers… notice the words ‘den of robbers’ (Jeremiah 7:11) which Jesus used in yesterday’s reading (Luke 19:46) in His rebuke of the religious leaders.
What can I take from this reading?
That God REALLY hates injustice, immorality, cruelty, greed, lust, etc., and God REALLY REALLY hates it when His own followers do these things without shame or regret.
Jesus has set up the church as an alternative society – committed to living differently with God’s help.
How does the Lord feel…
— when religious schools abuse aboriginal children?
— when pastors/priests abuse children or women?
— when churches spend thousands on comfort and pennies on compassion?
— when christians turn a blind eye to societal injustice, local or global?
— when christians lie, cheat, steal, commit adultery, slander others, etc. like the rest of the world?
— when christians go to church and act as all is well, but live selfish lives the rest of the week?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me to appreciate Your frustration when we become just like others in the world. Stir my heart with a passion for justice and mercy, just like You. Help me to be Your alternative to a selfish, messed up world.


  1. Sometimes I wonder what the world would be like if Adam and Eve did not sin. That they did not choose to eat from the Forbidden tree. Would us humans be perfect like Jesus himself? I mean if God hates Sin and all the evil things that sin entails why didn’t He just make Adam and Eve perfect? Then it hit me. He did make them perfect. They chose to sin, they chose to disobey. No wonder God gets angry. He gave us the free will to choose between what is right and what is wrong.

    This made me remember what Christ really came to earth for and the life I should try to follow instead of living selfishly day by day.

  2. Observation/Application
    Listen. Hear. Do.
    Reform and live according to His Word. Listen and do. Walk in the Way! Open your eyes! See what is happening around you and see the hand of the Lord. All the happenings show that truth is no longer there and the people have gone their own way and made their own god.

    When left to our own ways, disaster strikes. God weeps for His people while they do not acknowledge Him. Man is living a lie forsaking His way. They will reap what they sowed. Man’s heart is hardened going his own way.

    The Lord says, ‘Do this and live. Do my Word. Obey me.’

    Open my eyes Lord that I may see Your workings also this day – how You are working among the nations so that they may return to You. Not my way Lord but Your will be done. In the world but not of the world. Lord, help me to shine Your Light – this light of mine.

    Open my ears Lord that I may hear Your voice saying – ‘This is the way. Walk in it.’

    Jesus bids us shine
    With a pure, clear light,
    Like a little candle
    Burning in the night.
    In this world of darkness
    So let us shine—
    You in your small corner,
    And I in mine.

    Jesus bids us shine,
    First of all for Him;
    Well He sees and knows it,
    If our light grows dim.
    He looks down from Heaven
    To see us shine—
    You in your small corner,
    And I in mine.

    Jesus bids us shine,
    Then, for all around;
    Many kinds of darkness
    In the world are found—
    Sin and want and sorrow;
    So we must shine—
    You in your small corner,
    And I in mine.

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