Change me like this!

SCRIPTURE: Luke 19:1-10
“Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.” (Luke 19:8)
Whoa, what just happened here… giving half of what he has to the poor?!
Paying back four times the amount he has cheated others from?!
As a chief tax collector, he manages (and profits from) the lower end tax collectors for Rome – who hasn’t he cheated?
Somehow this encounter with Jesus transforms him, turns him around completely.
Makes me think of the rich ruler (Luke 18:18-30) who wouldn’t consider changing like this.
I want to know this kind of transformation, to have this kind of radical change.
Obviously God had a hand in this, but Zacchaeus was involved too.
There was something in Zacchaeus that was open, and something in the ruler that was not.
On Monday I asked the question ‘Do I even want this kind of love?’
Today I need to ask ‘Am I even open to this kind of change?’
I DON’T need to make this change myself, I just need to open myself to it.
Jesus came to rescue us from self-absorbed living (i.e. the lost).
Jesus is prepared to work with me, to help me, to equip me… if I am willing.
Like Zacchaeus, will I pursue it, will I climb the heights to see it, to reach it?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I’ve tried to change myself but I can’t. I need You to help me. I want to live like this. I want to be like this. Change me, please!

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    He wanted to see – Jesus.
    And because of his stature – he climbed the sycamore tree. He overcame. He was no well liked by the people of his occupation and that impeded his relationship or stature among the people.
    He was wealthy. A great business man. Rich. Overcoming obstacles to replace, to comfort, to enable Zacchaeus to live from day to day.
    And when his vision was repaired
    he became great in the family of God
    and wealthy of his ‘inheritance’
    becoming just in all his financial dealings – merciful instead of ruthless.
    A child of the KIng accepted by Christ
    and not those who saw with prejudiced vision – their own perceptions clouded by their own convictions which convicted themselves.
    Ope my eyes Lord that I too may see you and be an instrument of Your peace – standing up, giving witness how You impact our daily living.

    Open our eyes, Lord
    We want to see Jesus,
    To reach out and touch Him,
    And say that we love Him.
    Open our ears, Lord
    And help us to listen.
    Open our eyes, Lord
    We want to see Jesus.

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