Blessing babies like Jesus!

SCRIPTURE: Luke 18:15-17
Some people say we should not baptize babies.
A person should choose for themselves if they want God and His blessing.
I agree, a person should choose for themselves… but that doesn’t mean God waits with blessing them.
Jesus touches these babies and blesses them, and it was a real blessing – without their choosing it.
Baptism does not save us, it reveals what God has done to save us, to bless us, to restore us, to forgive us.
When I baptize someone – adult or baby – I am announcing God’s love and mercy and blessing.
Which is true, whether they receive it or not.
Yes, a person must choose for themselves to receive it.
I can choose to put a million dollars in your bank account, but you must choose to withdraw it.
God wants babies and little children to come to Him, the kingdom is for them (not because they chose Him but because he chooses them).
So people may rebuke me for blessing the children… but I’ll stick with Jesus in doing it!
And I will pray that one day, they will realize how blessed they are, and choose to receive it like a little child.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, thank You for loving and blessing me before I chose You. Today again I choose to withdraw from Your generosity, and enjoy the blessing that is mine by grace alone!


  1. I was baptised as a baby, and even though I had no say in it. Looking back at pictures, and my Christening cross necklace that states the date I was baptised brings joy that I got to receive God’s love as one of His own children. The fact that 20 years later I chose to be baptised again because I made the choice, made it that much more special! Babies are so special to God. It marks the beginning of life.

  2. Observations/Application
    Aaah. Children 🙂
    Our granddaughter was baptized last ‘Sonday’ in Holland MI and today’s reading is about little children. In days past – while children were prized by their parents, especially males, among the people they were ignored as unimportant. They weren’t considered worthy of adult attention outside the family until they were older. Seen and not heard.
    Therefore the disciples tried to stop this diversion so that the Master could get on with His bushiness. Yet Jesus put them in their place and said that these kids were His business. I need to be like a little child like those who came to the Master – excited, willing, expecting, joyful, etc. These children showed innocence, openness, trust, humility, lack of pretension – these are the qualities needed to enter the Kingdom.
    Remember the Pharisee and the tax collector of yesterday’s reading?
    Churches today need and are addressing their ministry also to children.
    Help me daily to be unhindered, without my baggage, Lord, in my living for You.

    Jesus loves the little children
    All the children of the world,
    Red, and yellow, black and white.
    They are precious in His sight
    Jesus loves the little children of the world.

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