If only we really knew… God!

If only we really knew Who God is, and what God is like.
If only we understood all that God does, and how dependent we are on Him.
If only we stood before God for just a moment, and had a glimpse of His awesomeness…
We would tremble, our jaws would drop in shock and wonder, we would feel the urge to run…
But then we would discover that this holy, awesome, glorious Being is good, a God that saves!
And once we tasted the goodness of this incomprehensibly GREAT God, we would sing.
We would sing, sing, sing… and not just borrowed songs from the past, we would make up new ones!
We would shout ‘the Lord is awesome, the Lord reigns’.
Our whole being would shake with jubilation, we would rejoice, be glad, resound with joy!
We would be joining the whole creation (heavens, seas, fields and trees) in their joy too!
For the whole creation, and everyone/everything in it, is totally dependent on this great good God!
If only we really knew…
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, we are blind, we are fools. We act as if we are great in the world. Give us a glimpse of Your greatness, so that we may see and know that You are God. When we do, we will sing, sing, sing!

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    Sing. Sing. Sing.
    Sing His praises now and always
    for His power and strength and glory and honour.
    Worship the Lord
    witness to the peoples
    that our God reigns.
    Let all within me cry holy.
    He will come.
    He will come to judge the people
    in the meantime
    I must remain faithful in singing His praises
    and tell of His faithfulness.
    Let my song this day Lord
    be a song of praise
    giving glory to the King of kings.

    Sing a new song to Jehovah, for the wonders He has wrought,
    His right hand and arm most holy triumph to His cause have brought.
    In His love and tender mercy He has made salvation known,
    In the sight of every nation He His righteousness has shown.
    Truth and mercy toward His people He has ever kept in mind,
    And His full and free salvation He has shown to all mankind.
    Sing, O earth, sing to Jehovah, praises to Jehovah sing;
    With the swelling notes of music shout before the Lord, the King.

    Seas and all your fullness, thunder, all earth’s peoples, now rejoice,
    Floods and hills, in praise uniting, to the Lord lift up your voice.
    For, behold, Jehovah cometh, robed in justice and in might;
    He alone will judge the nations, and His judgment shall be right.

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