When it seems God does NOT reign!

In Psalm 93 we reflected on how the Lord reigns, and the world is established, firm and secure.
But lets be honest, life in this world does not seem established, firm and secure.
People are crushed and the evildoers boast; it seems as if God does not see or care.
I have lived an easy life compared to what some people have endured.
When I hear some of the horrific experiences and stories, I struggle – how much more do they?
The Psalmist here continues to believe in God’s authority and control.
He declares his confidence that ONE DAY God will set things right.
In moments of doubt and weakness, he finds strength and hope in the Lord.
“When I said, ‘My foot is slipping,” your unfailing love, Lord, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.'” (Psalm 94:18-19)
When it seems that this world is falling apart, when it seems all hope is gone, we can do the same.
The Lord can become your fortress, the rock in whom you can take refuge.
The Lord does reign, and evil will one day be defeated.
The unrepentant wicked will not always prosper and succeed.
God’s day will come, and all will be set right.
The Lord DOES reign, no matter what it seems like right now.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I admit it, I have moments of doubt and weakness. In those moments I can retreat into You, and You will be my refuge. Until the day when You make things right!

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