still with me

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 28
Jacob goes through life as one blessed by God. This is not because he is such a good person, but because God decided even before he was born to work out His plan of salvation through Jacob. Unfortunately Esau doesn’t understand that blessing comes from God. At first he flaunts his firstborn status, and when that fails, he tries to earn his father’s blessing by marrying a family relative, because he knew his father didn’t like the Canaanite women. Both Jacob and Esau needed to learn that God is the source of our hope and blessing.

God uses the dream to impress on Jacob that his success depends on the God Who is in the highest place (the top of the ladder). Jacob recognizes this as a holy moment, and surrenders himself to God. I think that God does this more often than we realize. Each day God reveals His place in our lives (using a variety of experiences, events and circumstances), but we do not realize it (‘surely the Lord is in this place, and I wasn’t even aware of it’).

I am also struck by the parallel between this promise (and the earlier ones given to Abraham and Isaac) and what is called the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). Jesus is God coming down the ladder to us, revealing Himself as the highest authority, commissioning His followers to bring His blessing to the nations, and promising to be with them always to the very end. In other words, the whole Bible reveals one story, the Story of God’s mission to restore His kingdom, His family and His place with us in this world.

To all Jesus-followers, we have this same assurance. He will multiply us and use us to bring His blessing to the nations. And He will be with us every step of the way!

Lord, thank You for this assurance. I am with You, You are with me. And You are working out Your purpose in and through me. You will use me to bring Your blessing to others… if I am cooperative.


  1. Finally Jacob is experiencing something personal … away from the apron strings of his mom!

    Here God reveals himself to Jacob and Jacob starts his own journey in making “the Lord his God” v21

    Previously Jacob was living under his parents household, now he is choosing for himself.

  2. Out of jealousy, Esau desires to please his parents in choosing a wife that they might be pleased with. Once again, Esau is competing with Jacob and we see a heart of wrong motives. LORD, I pray that my children will desire spouses that know and love You because they desire to have all that You desire for them. LORD, may we be a living testimony of a marriage created in You.

    LORD, thank You for the promises and assurance that these scriptures reveal to us. How greatly Jacob had messed up yet, Your hand is still upon him. Although Your promises to him are generational because of the faith of his Father and his grandfather (Issac and Abraham) You also desire a relationship with him too. You want Jacob to also know You personally so You come to Jacob in a dream, coming down the ladder to meet Jacob exactly where he is at. LORD, thank You for always meeting me where I am at. For always being present, never leaving me. LORD, like Jacob it matters not how many times we mess up but rather that we go to You as You wait to embrace us, to make things right, ready to bless us as we live for You.

    Forgive me LORD for the times that I am completely unaware of Your Presence. Thank You LORD that You are with us always, that You promise to protect us wherever we go and that You will not leave us until You have finished giving us everything that You have promised us. Thank You LORD for Your unfailing promises and unendng assurances.

    LORD, strengthen my faith so that I may live in close awareness of You, that I might always be aware of Your Presence in my life. LORD, help me to live my faith each and every day in such a way that others will know that You are my God. Thank You God for being a God of determination, determined to never leave us! To You be all the glory, honour and praise.

  3. Jacob stole the first blessing of his father, but this time it is a blessing no longer by deception. Become the great nation. Be fruitful and fill the earth, but make sure your partner is of the household of faith. We never know how far our parental influence is upon our children, because even Esau selected a wife from his father’s people – even though he had many more wives.

    As Jacob fled he slept under the canopy of God’s grace. God was his Provider. Then the dream – Jacob’s ladder – although it was really God’s ladder. It showed Jacob that he was in God’s presence at all times , no matter where he was – God is there. God is his connection at all times. Wherever I am, whatever the difficulties, I am in His presence and in His fellowship. And it is He Who comes down to rescue me. He is the Way – the most excellent Way. All I need to do is serve Him.

    No matter where I am, God is always with me in all of my circumstances. I need the eyes of faith to see Him each and every day. I need to walk in His fellowship sweet to give me the strength for the journey. Help me this day Lord to walk in Your light.

    We are climbing Jacob’s ladder,
    We are climbing Jacob’s ladder,
    We are climbing Jacob’s ladder,
    Soldiers of the cross.

    Every round goes higher, higher,
    Every round goes higher, higher,
    Every round goes higher, higher,
    Soldiers of the cross.

    Sinner, do you love my Jesus?
    Sinner, do you love my Jesus?
    Sinner, do you love my Jesus?
    Soldiers of the cross.

    If you love Him, why not serve Him?
    If you love Him, why not serve Him?
    If you love Him, why not serve Him?
    Soldiers of the cross.

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