SCRIPTURE: Luke 15:8-10
The point of this story is ‘rejoicing when the lost is found!’
For this woman, her coins are her livelihood, her only hope for survival.
Jesus uses this analogy to show HOW MUCH God loves and values and needs us as His children.
God – and His angels – are hard at work to get us back, to restore us to His family.
This is what you need to remember when you read the bible, or consider how life is going.
We have messed up badly, but God is not giving up, God is pursuing us to get us back.
The world is not screwed up because of God, but because of us.
Any signs of goodness and hope are to God’s credit; God at work in and through and around and despite us.
We have no idea HOW MUCH God is doing to keep the planet from self-destructing.
You have no idea HOW MUCH God is doing for you, to get your life back on track with Him.
And when we do come to our senses, and come back to God — GOD CELEBRATES!
“He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.” (Zephaniah 3:17)
If only we could get this picture of God in our hearts and minds – and not the angry ogre many of us imagine God to be.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, forgive me for forgetting HOW MUCH You love me and HOW MUCH You have done for me. Change the picture in my mind of You, to see You as rejoicing over me with singing!

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