Jesus hangs out with sinners!?!?

SCRIPTURE: Luke 15:1-7
Do sinners feel welcome or judged when they meet with Christians?
These sinners enjoyed Jesus’ company, they were drawn to His gracious welcome.
We should not assume that they had all already repented.
His gracious welcome was a part of His seeking, His going after the lost sheep.
As with Zacchaeus, He ate with him before he repented (Luke 19:10).
Do we share God’s passion and compassion for sinners, or are we quick to condemn them?
When a sheep goes astray, do we pursue them with love and gracious hospitality?
Or do we shun them, separate from them, treat them as ‘unclean’ and ‘unwelcome’?
We often hear Christians denouncing abortionists, but do they ever eat with them?
We often hear Christians shaming sexual sinners, but do they ever spend time with them?
Are we known more for muttering against sinners than for welcoming them?
Obviously, our goal for them is the same for us – that we would all repent.
But the way Jesus did this was to associate with them, eat with them, spend time with them, welcome them.
Maybe we would have more reasons to rejoice (as in heaven) if we did it this way too.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, open my eyes to see the people in my life that I need to welcome and eat with. Forgive (and release) me from being so busy in the church that I don’t have time for people that have wandered far from You.

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    The tax collectors and sinners were there to her Jesus as were the Pharisees and teachers of the law. Hearing the Word is vital. One needs to hear the Word in order to do. And faith comes by hearing.
    The imagery of sheep is found throughout God’s Word. The Lord is my Shepherd. He leads me. And He protects His own. And when lost He brings him back to the fold. There is no greater rejoicing in heaven than when one is brought back to the fold.
    Therefore Christ is among those who need Him – mixing in in order to bring them in. How else will they know. So too today I need to be a friend to all those around me. When teaching I always talked about my in-laws and out-laws. I must be there for both sharing His Way. Not only to family members, but beyond – to all who desire to hear my story.

    love to tell the story of unseen things above,
    Of Jesus and His glory, of Jesus and His love.
    I love to tell the story, because I know ’tis true;
    It satisfies my longings as nothing else can do.


    I love to tell the story, ’twill be my theme in glory,
    To tell the old, old story of Jesus and His love.

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