1. Observation/Application
    The Pharisees telling Jesus to leave because Herod wants to kill Him? Ouch! Yet despite the opposition Jesus stays on course doing the Father’s will. Our striving must be for Him and He will continue to be the wind beneath our wings to lift us ‘up and away’ to the heavenly city if we but stay the course. He is the way and the truth and the life – the door to the great city of our God.
    Live for Him tis day He has made.

  2. What I think God is saying in this passage is “The world will not accept you, not if you stand up for what is true, and for what is right. They will try to spit on your spirit and shatter your faith but WE stand on holy ground and although we face persecution, we will not fall to ashes but continue spreading His word to those around us!” Go ahead try to kill me, but for today my faith is on solid ground and I will NOT surrender.

    P.S Check out my new blog site 🙂

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