The invitation

SCRIPTURE: Luke 14:7-14
When you are invited, take the lowest place.
When you invite, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind.
And you will be honoured, you will be blessed.
In our upward mobility world, Jesus advocates downward mobility.
The specific examples may not be relevant to our situation, but the underlying principles are.
Don’t look out for yourself, put the interests or needs of others before you.
Stop trying to advance your social standing, instead help others advance.
Pay special attention to those who are disadvantaged, who are struggling, who need help.
If we all did this, our world would be a better place for everyone.
In fact, our world would look like God’s world – God’s kingdom.
This is how Jesus lived, this is why Jesus died.
And this is what Jesus overcame sin, Satan, death and hell to restore.
Do you want to be saved – from being slaves to self and subsequent misery?
Then accept Jesus’ invitation to God’s table of grace and blessing…
Where the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, the guilty, the sinful, the broken, the humble, and YOU – will all be seated side by side as equals with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Peter, Paul and Mary… and Jesus!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me to see how wonderful it is that I have been invited. Help me to graciously and eagerly share this invitation with others who may seem unworthy or ignored or unloved.

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    Enjoy each day in joy for the joy of the Lord God is our strength


    Jesus is first.
    Others are second.
    Yourself (I) am last.

    This parable tell us all how to live the JOY principle by putting other before ourselves. We must be selfless rather the world’s philosophy selfish – me first or have it your own way. Christ is THE WAY and that way is the only way. Look to the needs of others. Practise humility. Be as Christ unto them.

    More like Jesus would I be, let my Savior dwell with me;
    Fill my soul with peace and love—make me gentle as a dove;
    More like Jesus, while I go, pilgrim in this world below;
    Poor in spirit would I be; let my Savior dwell in me.

    If He hears the raven’s cry, if His ever watchful eye
    Marks the sparrows when they fall, surely He will hear my call:
    He will teach me how to live, all my sinful thoughts forgive;
    Pure in heart I still would be—let my Savior dwell in me.

    More like Jesus when I pray, more like Jesus day by day,
    May I rest me by His side, where the tranquil waters glide.
    Born of Him through grace renewed, by His love my will subdued,
    Rich in faith I still would be—let my Savior dwell in me.

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