He will not give up!

SCRIPTURE: Luke 13:31-35
Have you ever been deeply concerned for someone you love?
You are concerned for their life, their well-being, or their choices.
You want desperately to help them, but you can’t.
Imagine that you want to help them, but they don’t want help.
Their addicted to something, but deny there is a problem.
They are making choices that harmful, but they refuse to change.
They are on a collision course with misery, but will not slow down.
Jesus wants to help us (God’s children), but we are not willing.
Notice Jesus determination: “I will keep on… I will reach my goal, I must press on!”
No opposition, either from the religious leaders, or from Herod, will hold Him back.
He will go all the way to suffering, and death, to get us back.
He’s desperate, He’s frustrated, but He will not give up.
He feels that way for your loved one, and He feels that way for you, and me.
It’s humbling to know He feels this way about me.
It’s encouraging to know He feels this way about my loved one.
May we all be willing to receive His help, to say ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, if You are for us, who can stand against us. Forgive us our stubbornness, and keep pressing on, until we all reach Your goal, safe in Your protective love and care.

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    Once again, the pharisees coming to Jesus telling Him of the coming political threat – seems odd. Here they were always trying to ‘trap’ Him and here they tell Him to flee. Just another way to get rid of Him. Christ was a threat to the authorities of the day. And yet He prayed for His enemies. And I?
    Jerusalem longed or the Messiah and when He came she did not recognize Him. He is the Way, the Truth and the Light – to eternal Life for all who come to Him. Not only salvation, but also death/destruction for those who revue to be part of the family.
    Help me this day Lord to be a living witness that others may see You in me. Lead me and guide me this day to be GodStrong to LiveStrong for You.

    Verse 1
    I am weak and I need Thy strength and power,
    To help me over my weakest hour.
    Let me through the darkness Thy face to see,
    Lead me, oh Lord lead me.

    Lead me, guide me along the way,
    For if you lead me I cannot stray.
    Lord, let me walk each day with Thee.
    Lead me, oh Lord lead me.

    Verse 2
    Help me tread in the paths of righteousness.
    Be my aid when Satan and sin oppress.
    I am putting all my trust in Thee:
    Lead me, oh Lord lead me.

    Verse 3
    I am lost if you take your hand from me,
    I am blind without Thy light to see.
    Lord just always let me thy servant be,
    Lead me, oh Lord lead me.

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