You are set free!

SCRIPTURE: Luke 13:10-17
God gave the gift of ‘sabbath’ (rest) to remind us that we are free.
We are not slaves – to God, to time, to work, to our employers.
In the beginning, sabbath (rest) was the culmination of God’s creation work.
After the resurrection, sabbath (rest) is the foundation of our new life in creation.
Sabbath (rest) is not a stop sign on the busy road of life; it is the posted speed limit, a regular reminder of how the pace and rhythm of life ought to be.
The religious leaders DID NOT get God’s gift of sabbath (rest).
But Jesus did, and because He did, this woman did.
Jesus looks at her, at us, and all, and says: “you are set free from what binds you!”
What is it that holds you back, that keeps you from experiencing life as God meant it to be?
Are you a slave to life, to time, to work, to debt, to sickness, to fear, or to whatever?
Don’t listen to the voices (within or from others) shaming or pushing or discouraging you.
Listen to the voice of Jesus as He sees you, and says with deep love…
“You are set free from what binds you!”
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, though I don’t always FEEL I am free, I choose to BELIEVE I am free. Silence the voices that condemn me, discourage me, frighten me… and let me hear Your Voice again today – You are set free!

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    Going to the synagogue on the Sabbath – a good thing – even if one has a problem like the crippled woman. Spend time with the risen Saviour among his people.
    Jesus freed her from her crippledness and she rejoiced but the religious elders were not pleased. They were legalists of the law and had many man made laws on how to observe the Sabbath. The women had been set free. The religious leaders set free their animals in order to feed them. Which is more important?
    Christ sets the prisoners free. He sets me free if I but come to worship Him. The woman did.

    Come to the Savior now,
    He gently calleth thee;
    In true repentance bow,
    Before Him bend the knee;
    He waiteth to bestow
    Salvation, peace, and love,
    True joy on earth below,
    A home in Heav’n above.

    Come to the Savior now,
    Ye who have wandered far;
    Renew your solemn vow,
    For His by right you are;
    Come, like poor wand’ring sheep
    Returning to His fold;
    His arm will safely keep,
    His love will ne’er grow cold.

    Come to the Savior, all,
    Whate’er your burdens be;
    Hear now His loving call,
    “Cast all your care on Me.”
    Come, and for ev’ry grief
    In Jesus you will find
    A sure and safe relief,
    A loving Friend and kind.

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