the problem with shortcuts

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 27
The heal-puller (the meaning of Jacob’s name, also means deceiver) is at it again. Jacob tricks his father, lies about his own identity and about God (‘the Lord put the animal in my path’). But as we saw with Isaac and his father, Jacob is imitating his mother. This is her scheme, her attempt to attain God’s promises her own way. Like mother, like son. See again the influence that we have as parents, and why the Lord is so serious about having a positive family (covenant) influence on our children.

If they had waited for God, He would have worked out this blessing His own way. God had promised that Jacob would get the blessing (Genesis 25:23). But Jacob tricks it from his brother. We too are guilty of trying to get God’s promises (joy, blessing, peace, success, pleasure, etc.) in immoral or harmful ways. God’s way seems to take forever, and leads through difficult paths. Our ways offer instant gratification, though eventual misery.

As a result of Jacob’s trickery, he did get the blessing, but he also earn his brother’s rage, his father’s disappointment, and his exile away from home (he never saw his mother again).

Esau was not innocent in this. He and his wives were a constant pain to his parents. His arrogance led him to foolishly promising his right as the firstborn to his younger brother for a bowl of soup. Afterall he was the manly man, not a wimp hiding behind his mother’s skirts, cooking and sewing and eating quiche and drinking herbal teas (just kidding).

Isaac (and the people of his day) had a very serious understanding of an oath, or a blessing or curse. They took their words seriously, so the promise Isaac made to Jacob could not be revoked. We do not understand this, given our own loose sense of words and commitments. We break promises daily! We read this story and say to Isaac, ‘you don’t have to follow through, you were tricked, just take it back and give it to Esau.’

This story, and the resulting dysfunction in Isaac’s family, shows the result of going our own way, doing it our way (i.e. Paul Anka). It sure sounds good, but it will only be a matter of time before things fall apart.

Lord, sorry for choosing my own way in so many little and big ways. I can relate to the resulting frustration and tension. Help me to choose You and Your way!


  1. Rebekah is a curious character in Genesis…

    When we first meet her in chapter 24, we learn that even in her fathers household she has influence …

    Chapter 24:57, “we will call the girl and consult her wishes”
    HER wishes, when did that ever happen back then?

    Chapter 25:22, Rebekah even has the freedom to inquire of the Lord for herself

    So it is not a big leap in character to hear her talk with authority to Jacob in Chapter 27:8, “now therefore, my son, listen to me as I command you”

    In verse 13, she says “your curse be on me, my son; only obey my voice, and go, get them for me”

    … yet no curse falls upon her by God or by Isaac …

  2. LORD, forgive me for the times when like Rebekah, I have panicked and taken things into my own hands. You had promised Rebekah that Jacob would one day rule over his brother, but she was impatient, lacked trust in You, let fear, pride, favourtism and emotions cloud her judgement of what she was doing.

    LORD, thank You for Your covenant promises. You provided Rebekah and Jacob both opportunities to set things right. Jacob questioned being caught, was this a way out, to set things right? Why LORD did she not cry out to You? Issac’s questioning of which son it really was is yet another opportunity to do right. Thank You LORD that when I too am erring, making wrong choices that You will also provide to me a way out, an opportunity to set things right. Give me eyes and mind to see Your way.

    LORD, how often in this world today, do we bring You into our sins as Jacob did? When Jacob was questioned by his Father as to how he could do this so fast, Jacob replies “The LORD your God put it in my path.” LORD, we live in such a broken world and we hear at times when churches and believers have brought You into their deceptions and lies just as Jacob did. God have mercy on this world. LORD, may Your truth be known in all circumstances and situations. May we seek discernment always.

    Isaac was grieved by the deceipt of Jacob but he knew the value of his word and did not revoke it. LORD, how often do we use /blame the wrongs of others to take our word back? LORD, help us become people of Godly integrity, that our word is reliable and worthy at all times. May our yeses be yeses and our nos no.

    LORD, it is so easy to blame others in anger and frustration just as Esau did. Esau overlooked that previously he had carelessly thrown his birthright aside to satisfy his flesh (hunger). He traded his birthright for a bowl of stew. When LORD have I reacted or responded, quick to blame others when I myself am also at fault. LORD, protect us from our fleshly desires so that we may live by Your Spirit. May we not seek instant gratification in this instant world that lives for the moment. May we seek eternal gratification for nothing in this world compares to what You have for us when this life is over.

    LORD, the consequences of sin are unending unless we break free. Rebekah continues to lie for Jacob, Esau plots revenge as he plans to kill his brother. Spiritual battle is fed by our sins and will only continue to spread if we do not break the cycle. LORD, give us the courage and the strength to surrender our sins to You, so that You might break the cycle and end the battle. Not our ways but Your way Oh LORD! Nothing compares to the promise I have in You. Be Thou my vision LORD.

    Thank You LORD that the battle belongs to You. Thank You LORD that in You, I can have victory in my life. Thank You LORD that You are a God of all power and that nothing is impossible for You. LORD, protect me from short cuts that lead to being cut off from You. Your will be done LORD, Your will be done!

  3. Our journey in this life must be in God’s light each and every day. We need to walk in His fellowship. His plans for our life must be accomplished prayerfully. In serving Him there are no short cuts.

    As promised, Jacob would receive the blessing. We too, like Jacob and his mother are impatient, and work out His plans for our lives in our way without Him. We become self-reliant and use what ever means to achieve what we believe is our right. And when I become the master of my plans, it also divides the family. The house divided will fall. God is in second place and when that happens, I am robbed of JOY. True JOY is when Jesus is first Others come second and Yourself(myself) is third. When we mess up our priorities we mess up our lives.

    I need to come back to the question, Why am I here? Why did God create me? What is His purpose for me in His world? Not my will, but Yours be done also this day, Lord. In my fellowship with You, lead me guide me on my journey of JOY in joy with You.

    Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah,
    Pilgrim through this barren land.
    I am weak, but Thou art mighty;
    Hold me with Thy powerful hand.
    Bread of Heaven, Bread of Heaven,
    Feed me till I want no more;
    Feed me till I want no more.

    Open now the crystal fountain,
    Whence the healing stream doth flow;
    Let the fire and cloudy pillar
    Lead me all my journey through.
    Strong Deliverer, strong Deliverer,
    Be Thou still my Strength and Shield;
    Be Thou still my Strength and Shield.

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