At home with God in the world

For Moses, life was anything but stable: born within a slave culture, hidden and then adopted by the Pharoah’s daughter, raised in Egyptian wealth, on the run because he defended a Hebrew brother, hiding in the desert for 40 years, called to confront Pharoah and lead Israel from bondage, the journey through the wilderness which turned into a 40 year campout with a stubborn, difficult people, and finally not being allowed to enter the promised land.
No place to call home, not secure dwelling place… except God.
“Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations.” (Psalm 90:1)
This Psalm reflects Moses’ experience, and his desperate prayer to God for stability.
“Establish the work of our hands for us — yes, establish the work of our hands.” (Psalm 90:17)
Life in this world is unpredictable, uncertain, with no guarantees of a long or easy life.
Our only security, our only hope, our only solid place to stand… is God.
Our hope is that He is journeying with us through the hardships of life.
And that He will eventually establish us, and allow us to rest.
He is leading us to a time and place when we will be satisfied with His unfailing love, when we will sing for joy and be glad all our days.
Hang on to God, whatever you are going through.
Hang on to God as your dwelling place, because He is from everlasting to everlasting.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You are anchored in eternity. You are the same yesterday, today and forever. I cling to You for stability and hope. You will bring me to Your eternal resting place, I will dwell You forever!

One Comment

  1. Observation/application
    My God is a great and awesome God Who was/is before all time. From the beginning to the end, my God is an awesome God.

    And I? I am but dust – here today and gone tomorrow. And it is only by Your grace and power that I am alive to live for Jesus. You alone establish the works of my hands. You alone make living a possibility. You alone can make Your people glad that they sing for joy and give You their songs of praise.

    Help me each day anew Lord to live for joy i Your presence so that others may see Christ Jesus living in me,

    Our god
    Is an awesome God he reigns
    From heaven above
    With wisdom,power and love
    Our God
    Is an awesome God he reigns
    From heaven above
    With wisdom,power and love
    Our God is an awesome God

    You’re marvelous and you’re glorious
    You’re love has made me victorious
    You took away the fear in us
    Now we praise You cause you
    You delivered us

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