Going against the flow!

SCRIPTURE: Luke 12:49-53
Jesus came to turn the world right-side up.
He does this by living (and dying) for God, for good, for love, for the kingdom.
And after His victory over sin, death and hell, He kindles Holy Spirit fire to restore the world.
But not everyone who is upside down wants to be right-side up!
As a result, what is meant to bring healing results in division, violence, the same thing Jesus suffered.
As we live in the Spirit, by the Spirit – with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, goodness, self-control – serving and blessing in Jesus’ Name, there will be a negative reaction.
Families will be divided (even Jesus’ family was divided, they thought He was out of His mind (Mark 3:21).
But like Jesus, our commitment to our family and all people goes deeper than just keeping the peace.
We are committed to living and loving and leading like Jesus – with humble, patient, servant love – because this is how we were created to live, how the world was designed to operate.
We cannot help fight against upside down living (selfishness, greed, pride, cruelty, injustice, bigotry), even if it gets us in trouble, because we were made for right-side up living.
Think of what it was like for German Christians who resisted the Nazi government; it wasn’t pretty, but it was necessary and right and good, and ultimately they overcame!
“Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.” (1 Peter 2:12)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I am called to live like You in the world, whatever the consequences. Light the fire of Your Spirit in my heart that I may do so with boldness and confidence and humble, patient, servant love!


  1. Seems to me that our focus needs on Jesus, trusting Him and loving/living like Him. We are not to aim to be disturbers of the peace, but representatives of the peace. I would encourage a “share Jesus and keep the peace” approach. Make Jesus look so wonderful (not church or Christianity) that he wants to know more. Name Jesus as often as possible, not pushing him to believe but sharing what you believe. The cool thing is, Jesus has a way of making His name stick in peoples’ hearts.
    Jesus is not advocating family tension or division, but shows that this will be the result in many places, when people live and love like Him.
    Be bold in the love of Jesus, and He will reach to the heart.

  2. Interesting. I am a “shut up and keep the peace” kind of girl … Not sure what God is saying here. Earlier today prior to reading this, I was thinking and praying about the situation with my son’s dad not allowing my son to attend church. I comply in order to keep the peace. I sense that maybe God is saying that it is time to be bolder about what I believe — even though I am not necessarily hiding my light at the moment. Perhaps it is time to start having more conversations with my son about what I believe. God I pray that you will guide me in this situation and help me to be bold without causing unnecessary problems.

  3. Observations/Application
    I think of the fires mentioned in the Bible – the burning bush, the pillar of fire leading the people, judgement and also the Spirit. The fire also purifies. Ouch.
    God needs to be first. Nothing can be before Him. And when He is first I am reminded of the Beatitudes – or be – tudes. Actions we are to do and be like – upside-down in this world or right side up in this upside down world. God is first and that will determine my daily living for Jesus.
    I must be Spirit lead this day and asking myself always – where is God in all of this.

    Lead on O King eternal.

    Spirit of the living God
    Fall fresh on me
    Spirit of the living God
    Fall fresh on me

    Break me, melt me, mold me fill me
    Spirit of the living God
    Fall fresh on me

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