Rejecting the Spirit within

SCRIPTURE: Luke 12:8-12
What does it mean to speak against (blaspheme) the Holy Spirit?
God is speaking AROUND US all the time, through creation (Romans 1:18-20).
God speaks TO US in the clearest way through Jesus, God’s Word made flesh (John 1:1, Hebrews 1:1-3).
God graciously continues to speak AROUND and TO us all the time, even though we ignore Him and Jesus in so many ways.
But when God speaks IN US by the Spirit, this is the deepest communication of all.
Though hard to explain, when we sense deep inside that something is real or true, we are sensing the Spirit.
This gut level knowing is a taste of God so deep, that though we can’t explain it, we can’t deny it either.
When we are open to the Spirit’s Voice, then He will speak to us and through us, teaching us what to say.
But when we reject this deepest experience of God, we’ve burned all our bridges.
After this, God has no other way to reach us; we’ve become hardened to all God’s approaches.
We are beyond God’s grace, beyond God’s help, beyond God’s forgiveness.
It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age and who have fallen away, to be brought back to repentance. To their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace. Land that drinks in the rain often falling on it and that produces a crop useful to those for whom it is farmed receives the blessing of God. But land that produces thorns and thistles is worthless and is in danger of being cursed. In the end it will be burned. (Hebrews 6:4-8)
It’s not that God won’t forgive us, God can’t forgive us, because we’ve hardened our hearts to Him.
As long as there is an openness to God, the Spirit is moving.

** Like the woman who wept in desperation that she had committed the unforgivable sin; I told her that as long as she had tears, she was still responding to the Spirit, and therefore had not committed that sin. **

Stay open to the Voice of God in your heart, pay attention to what He is impressing on your heart.
Do not quench or grieve the Spirit of God… you will regret it.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, thank You for Your Spirit’s Voice in my heart, nudging and encouraging me. I do not always follow it, but I will not despise it. As I drink in the rain of Your Spirit, may my life become fruitful for You!


One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    This passage brings me back to my HS days when I rushed into the cafeteria each day to say my prayer before my meal before my friends came 🙁 To fear God is to accept Jesus but to reject God is to reject the Spirit who testifies of Jesus. That is a hardened heart and that ail not change like Pharaoh’s heart. The Spirit testifies of the Son of man and those who refuse to listen reject the Saviour.

    I need to listen at all times and be ready for the Lord God will give the words needed to say in season and out of season. The Spirit is at work so I need not fear. I am capable in His power. Remember Moses 🙂

    Lord, speak to me, that I may speak
    In living echoes of Thy tone;
    As Thou hast sought, so let me seek
    Thy erring children lost and lone.
    O lead me, Lord, that I may lead
    The wandering and the wavering feet;
    O feed me, Lord, that I may feed
    Thy hungering ones with manna sweet.
    O strengthen me, that while I stand
    Firm on the rock, and strong in Thee,
    I may stretch out a loving hand
    To wrestlers with the troubled sea.
    O teach me, Lord, that I may teach
    The precious things Thou dost impart;
    And wing my words, that they may reach
    The hidden depths of many a heart.
    O give Thine own sweet rest to me,
    That I may speak with soothing power
    A word in season, as from Thee
    To weary ones in needful hour.
    O fill me with Thy fulness, Lord,
    Until my very heart o’erflow
    In kindling thought and glowing word,
    Thy love to tell, Thy praise to show.
    O use me, Lord, use even me,
    Just as Thou wilt, and when, and where,
    Until Thy blessed face I see,
    Thy rest, Thy joy, Thy glory share!

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