what God is up to

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 24
The Bible is not primarily a collection of stories with morals (be like this, don’t be like that) – though there are stories with morals. The Bible is not primarily a collection of principles and commandments, though there are principles and commandments. The Bible is primarily a story, or The Story, of God’s mission to restore His paradise and His family. The central character is God, the central theme is what God is up to.

We do not approach this chapter looking for morals, principles or commandments: ‘This is how you should get a wife for your son’ or ‘nose rings are a good thing’ or ‘be like this servant, and ask God to show His will with a little test’ or ‘arranged marriages are biblical’ or ‘marrying your blood relatives are a good thing’ or… you get the point.

The main point of this story is how God is at work behind the scenes to prepare the way for His family (through Abraham), and for His messiah to come through them to re-establish His kingdom. God is at work in this story, and He is at work in our stories. God works through the good, the bad and the ugly to accomplish His mission, then and now!

Yes, there are morals and principles and commandments. But the first thing we need to look for is God, and what He is up to. He did not include these stories in His Story to show us how to find a partner, how to discern His will, what kind of jewellery we can or ought to wear, or how parents should arrange marriages for their kids. The reason for this story is to show us, and assure us, that He is working in and through our lives to fulfill His mission.

We can trust Him. We should join Him. Our homes, our families, our work, our education, our finances, our resources, our time, our abilities… He can and will use these for His mission. Either we can surrender them to Him, and allow Him to use us willingly. Or He will direct things toward His ends despite us. Willingly or unwillingly on our part, His kingdom will come!

Lord, You are great! You are at work here in Ajax, and are asking me to join You. I want to be a willing partner. Use me to fulfill Your mission.


  1. This is a God-story. I like how you connect the daily reading and reflections with the rest of the day that follows. I’ve thought about this before, and have seen it occasionally as well… but today I will consciously look for the surprises of God (today’s reflection), as well as issue of family tensions (Esau and Jacob) and foolish choices (Esau’s folly).

    Lord, thank You for working in the details! Open my eyes that I may see Your fingerprints all around me.

  2. After I journalled the above yesterday…….
    Well, off I went to the dentist this morning with Andrea (we had to go this past Monday as well). As we adjust to living without the income we had on the farm and my not having an income, dentist bills are huge…… On the way there I told Andrea that we needed to pray that this doesn’t cost us a fortune as there had just been so much lately to budget for.

    After about 1/2 an hour Andrea came out, we went to the desk to pay and the dentist came over to inform us there was absolutely no charge for today or Monday’s work. Andrea and I both looked at each other in shock. The dentist asked if something was wrong and I quickly replied that he was an answer to prayer that we had both prayed. He said, he understood about not having dental plans and since this work that had to be done was somewhat tempory because of her braces, he just felt he was not to charge us. I thanked him very much and ended with God bless you for doing this.

    As Andrea and I got into the van, we were both very overwhelmed. Andrea was as greatly impacted as I. I shared with her what my morning devotional reading was and how it was about God working in and through all the details of our lives and of course always providing for our needs if we will just trust Him. Andrea told me that while she was being worked on the dentist had the Christian bible network on the t.v.

    This morning I wrote: LORD, as this day unfolds, may I give voice to the work that You are doing in my heart, my life, for the many details that You are taking care of…. so hear I am giving voice to the work that He is doing….. God is so incredibly amazing! Not only did He blow me away but He allowed it to be a shared experience with Andrea. She couldn’t wait when we got back to town to rush into the store to tell Hiddy and Laura what God had done at the denist.

    I give thanks and praise to God who is doing incredible things in my heart and my life….. I give thanks and praise to God, our Ultimate Provider who does so much more than we ask! I stand amazed yet again! Glory and honour and praise to God!

    Have a great day.
    blessings and love

  3. LORD, thank You for being a God who is always at work in and through every minute detail of our lives.

    LORD, thank You that we can pray boldly and specifically for direction, for answers, but most impotantly for the purposes and choices that You have for our lives.

    LORD, as You work through the details of my life, what is my heart, my faith walk, my actions saying or revealing to others? Do I pray as boldly as Abraham’s servant? Do I trust You with all of the details of my life? Do I wait for Your answers or do I spout off prayer requests and then take matters into my own hands or do I take the time to listen and wait?

    LORD, I give thanks for the many, many answers to prayers in my life. Forgive me for the times when I rush on and do not take the time to stop and worship You for the way You are at work in and through my life.

    LORD, do others know that it is You that I give credit to for the blessings in my life? Do I live this openly?

    LORD, is it evident for all that I live for You, that I seek Your direction in my life as I face choices and decisions? Do I hide this when I fear I might be mocked?

    LORD, thank You for being the God of details. LORD, as this day unfolds, may I give voice to the work that You are doing in my heart, my life, for the many details that You are taking care of. LORD, I cannot stop what You have purposed to do but I can be a willing partner or I can be a hindrance. I choose to be willing. Here I am LORD. LORD, I desire to do this so that others may know You in this way, that You may be glorified.

  4. Once again I see the Lord working out His plan of salvation. The Lord had promised Abe the land and that his seed would possess the land. How would all this be possible? I see Him working through His people His wonders to perform – also in the daily affairs of life. Abe is seeking a wife for his son from among His people. His servant asking the Lord in prayer for guidance in the selection. Once again – as for me and my household – all what the Lord has given me – we will serve the living God. That is my choosing! Lord help me also this day to work in Your Way, Your will to perform. Living for Jesus in all I do and say.

    I surrender all, I surrender all,
    All to Thee, my blessèd Savior,
    I surrender all.

    All to Jesus I surrender;
    Humbly at His feet I bow,
    Worldly pleasures all forsaken;
    Take me, Jesus, take me now.


    All to Jesus, I surrender;
    Make me, Savior, wholly Thine;
    Let me feel the Holy Spirit,
    Truly know that Thou art mine.

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