An unhealthy work focus?


SCRIPTURE: Luke 10:38-42
“You are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one.” (Luke 10:41-42)
Am I any different from Martha?
I am usually so distracted — worried and upset – by all the preparations involved with upkeeping this church for Jesus.
And yes, it bothers me that some people don’t even help!
Leads me to ask myself, is this what I really should be doing?
Or is Martha’s problem not in WHAT she was doing, but HOW?
Each was doing something, but Martha was worried and upset.
Only one thing is needed, a focus on and devotion to Jesus, which translates into doing whatever we do in His Name, for His honor.
Our focus should not be on what others are (or are not) doing.
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” (Colossians 3:23-24)
It’s not that meditation is more important than housework, but that both activities need to be done with a focus on and devotion to Jesus… the one thing needed.
Any other motivation or focus will only make us worried and upset.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, someone recently challenged me about being too upset and worried. That was You (through them), wasn’t it? It’s not WHAT I’m doing, but HOW I am doing Your work that is the problem…


  1. Hmm, a new angle. I normally thought the one thing needed was spending time with Jesus, or focusing on Jesus in our work. But in my context I can also see this as an important lesson: stop focusing on programming (what we do), and focus more on people (who we’re with)… listening, being present, caring, sharing… relationship. Thanks Sylvia.
    I do know that when we do have company, it is often hard for the host (or the one responsible for the details) to relax and enjoy the company. I have a similar experience on Sunday mornings, as a sort of host; I really do not relax and enjoy the people present – relating – because my mind is always worried and upset about other things.

  2. I love the way I can read Bible a passage many times, and still be surprised by some new thought that comes out of reading a familiar passage. Today I talked to someone that comes into my work place on a fairly regular basis. The conversation was deep-he is struggling with his marriage breaking up; and hard-there are no easy answers; and painful-I can identify with marriage relationship challenges.
    That is the context for reading this passage today. I hear Jesus saying – it’s all about relationship, and relationship is mostly about listening. It can be about providing a meal too but mostly people, even Jesus because he was human, need us to listen.

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