Satan is fallen!

SCRIPTURE: Luke 10:17-24
Something HUGE is happening here, and Jesus praises God because of it!
The tables are being turned on the dominion of darkness; Satan is falling and the demons are running.
And wonder of wonders, it is happening at the hands of ‘little children’.
Standing with Jesus, the little people have the authority to set things right, to restore God’s kingdom.
People through the centuries were hoping for this day, and now – with Jesus – the time has come.
We stand on the other side of the cross, the other side of the empty tomb.
Jesus is alive, Satan is defeated, Jesus is Lord of all, Satan is chained.
And when we stand with Jesus, we are in a position of authority.
We can denounce Satan’s lies, we can resist him and he will flee from us.
We can take on Satan’s servants with the love of Jesus, and we can defeat them.
What are the demons of darkness that we face today: poverty, hate, greed, inequality, abuse, ignorance?
No hiding in our homes, hoping for Jesus’ return; we join with Him on the front lines of suffering and sin.
Yes, we are like lambs among wolves… but the Lion of Judah is with us!!!!!!
And the wolves will run, if we stay close to Him!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, why do I not have this confidence burning in my heart? Why do I let the Enemy trick me into being afraid, or thinking it’s hopeless, or there’s nothing I can do? Impress this vision of Satan falling on my mind too!

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