Losing at Snakes and Ladders

SCRIPTURE: Ecclesiastes 1-4
Wisdom, pleasure, riches, advancement… no matter what we hope for, it ends in death.
This is the basic punchline of this book – nothing in this world can ultimately satisfy.
Chaos, misery, brokenness, we are all susceptible to it, and eventually ruined by it.
But this is not a picture of how things ought to be, but how things are, without God.
Isn’t this what life is like, running after dreams and eventually running out of hope.
This is not God’s design, this is not God’s fault; this is the consequence of sin.
God gives us the freedom to choose, and our choices (individually and collectively) mess things up.
God also gives us a better way, and urges us to seek Him, and the joy only He can give.
I believe that the Teacher’s struggles are good (not nice or easy), necessary for finding our way.
Like the addict, it is not until we crash and despair that we are really ready for help.
I sense God gently challenging me to look at my own hopes and values and priorities.
Because of sin, life is like a Snakes and Ladders game, only both the ladders and snakes lead nowhere.
Will I allow the serpent to bring me down with pride, lust, greed, envy?
Will I spend my whole life climbing ladders that take me up the wrong wall?
‘Our hearts will find no rest, until they rest in God’ (St. Augustine)
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Jesus, Matthew 11:28)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, there is no hope or happiness apart from You. Show me the false idols that I am clinging to, and help me to release them, that I may cling to You!

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