The seeds of rage within?

SCRIPTURE: Luke 9:51-56
Today I sense God probing my heart about how I relate to my opponents or challengers.
When people are opposed to my ideas, or challenge my thinking, do I respond with anger?
James and John wanted to destroy the Samaritans because they refused to welcome Jesus.
This reminds me of ‘road rage’, when people go ballistic over minor issues.
As we saw yesterday, God sees all people as great, and all people belonging to His family.
It is the spirit of sin, not God, that divides and destroys.
I have not experienced this kind of ‘road rage’, but I have responded rudely and defensively when challenged.
Even when that challenger is my wife, and the issue is minor.
God is gently challenging me to look deep within my heart, to see what causes tensions between me and others.
“What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you?” (James 4:1)
Like seeds, these desires may seem harmless and small, but when provoked…
Better to address these seeds now, before they flower into an explosion that hurts others.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, I may not get why James and John responded how they did. But then, they wouldn’t get the things that make me mad. It is not the things themselves, but the sinful desires in me. Teach, rebuke, correct and train me in the better way, that I may be more like You!


  1. I agree with Karen and would say that I get the most angry by situations or people who affect my son or mom. Those two are the people who can hurt me the most. I asked for calm and strength and have found that my tongue, stinkin’ thinking and temper are the three greatest changes that have occured recently. Praise him and Amen!

  2. I sense God saying/reminding that the power of God is not to be used for our selfish whims. Interesting that the disciples didn’t say, do you want us to beat these people up? They wanted to “call down fire from heaven”. God loves those who were not accepting Jesus in that moment & wouldnt rain fire on them any more than God would rain fire on me for sleeping in on a Sunday morning or not spending time with Him throughout the day. It is easy to want to pray for revenge, or pray for things the will benefit me at the expense of others, but I feel God urging me to choose my words carefully and take a close look at my motives. God, I pray that you would continue working in me so that I may be more like Jesus in my reactions and my prayers.

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