Ears to hear?

SCRIPTURE: Luke 8:1-10
The good news is the message of the kingdom of God… God restoring His creation through Jesus, the promised messiah.
Jesus embodies this new creation life, and some people are open to it, while others are not.
These women, and the disciples, seem to get it: they have ‘ears to hear’, open and receptive to Jesus and His message.
Women were second-class citizens (at best), or used and abused victims (or worse); it is understandable that they would be open and receptive to a man who didn’t use or abuse, but blessed and served.
Many of these women had been dramatically helped by Jesus – they were open to Jesus.
The disciples has already decided to follow Jesus – a huge life-impacting decision – they were open to Jesus.
The walls of our hearts and minds can keep us from hearing, understanding and receiving the message of Jesus.
It’s not that they always understood it, but when they didn’t, they asked for help.
There is much in the bible that is difficult to understand; the good news of the kingdom can be hard to make sense of.
But ‘ears to hear’ will not shut down or give up, but their open, eager hearts and minds will keep on asking, keep on searching, keep on clinging to Jesus, so that He can explain it to them.
Are you asking, are you seeking, are you knocking… you will find, Jesus will help you understand (Matthew 7:7-8).
More than that, Jesus will give you, like these women and disciples, a life-changing experience of the good news of the kingdom.
You will never be the same!

What do you sense the Lord saying to you?

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