Accept or reject?

SCRIPTURE: Luke 7:24-30
“Among those born of women there is no one greater than John; yet the one who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.” (Luke 7:28)
John’s greatness comes from his important role preparing the way for God’s messianic king.
How can anyone beat that?
Yet the least in God’s restored kingdom is still greater… why?
Because in Christ, we are restored to our creation status as children of God and rulers of creation (Genesis 1:26-28).
Jesus has confirmed God’s forgiveness, taken the curse of sin, beaten the devil, and restored God’s creation and family.
Prior to Jesus coming, the people were living in the grace of the promise, but now we live in the grace of the real thing.
Through Jesus, we are restored to our ‘very good’ creation status; we still sin, but God has that covered.
All who humbly come – even the tax collectors – can receive their new creation identity.
God’s creation purpose for you (and tax collectors and Pharisees) is to be part of His ‘great’ kingdom family… will you accept or reject this amazing gift?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, there is nothing I have to do to earn this honour. It is Your mercy gift to me. I want to be ‘great’ in Christ, that is, all that You designed me to be!

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