Mar 18 — Joshua 18:11-19:51

SCRIPTURE: Joshua 18:11-19:51

The details of the land distribution do not hold symbolic meaning. This is the practical side of God’s plan for establishing the nation of Israel in the land, as a base camp for God to work out His kingdom plan, the coming of the Messiah, and the ultimate restoration of the whole planet. In the new covenant, Jesus connects His followers to this old covenant community by selecting twelve disciples. In the “new Jerusalem” (symbol of the resurrected people entering the new earth at the end of time), the twelve gates have the names of the twelve tribes inscribed on them, and the twelve foundation stones have the names of the twelve apostles inscribed on them (Revelation 21:10-14); this suggests that the new earth will be populated by OT and NT believers. The symbolic number of 144,000 also relates to this (Revelation 14:1-5; (12×10) x (12×10) = 144,000, where 10 represents the number of fullness), the fullness of OT and NT believers.

Behind the complicated, practical details of establishing a nation in these times, we also in hindsight (reading the new testament, including Revelation) that God is at work in the details anticipating His ultimate purpose and victory. I belong the the new testament fellowship of believers who follow the apostles (the apostolic church). In the end, I will meet with those OT and NT believers who submitted to the Lord and His purpose, and joined Him by faith in rebuilding His kingdom on earth. My task now is to continue in the same work as the first apostles and disciples (Christ-followers) in claiming this world for Jesus. Not with the sword but with compassion and grace. To inherit the new earth (which the old covenant believers inherited symbolically in these allotments of land), I need to imitate the the meekness (not weakness) of Jesus (Matthew 5:5).

Lord, help me choose to be a servant, to follow Your meekness, and to see the power of God revealed in establishing Your kingdom through my humble service. Amen.

One Comment

  1. The land was divided among the tribes, and their boundaries were clearly settled. God allotted the land to them. All is a gift from God. They needed to remember the fact that it was He that gave everything to them, even the victory in battle. Just think what would have happened if the tribes had to claim their own land. What an awesome wise, powerful God we serve!

    Lord, Giver of all good things, help me to see my prosperity, my peace, my joy as a gift from You. All what I have is Yours since You gave it to me. Help me daily to be a faithful steward in Your Kingdom using the resources given to me for Your service.

    We give thee but thine own,
    whate’er the gift may be;
    all that we have is thine alone,
    a trust, O Lord, from thee.

    May we thy bounties thus
    as stewards true receive,
    and gladly, as thou blessest us,
    to thee our first fruits give.

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