Words are not enough!

SCRIPTURE: Luke 6:46-49
When we first bought our home, we got a shed kit that recommended building a wooden base beneath it.
That was too much work, and we laid the shed directly on the ground.
Six years later, and you can see how the ground has twisted it; the doors no longer open properly.
I went for quick and easy… in the short term.
The life Jesus calls us to is not that difficult to understand, though it takes work to live.
Love God, love all people, give generously, forgive, put others first, go the extra mile, help others, be humble.
Living like this is not easy (neither is building a house), but it is not impossible either.
Jesus’ point is clear: it takes more than words to follow Him, it takes effort and determination.
Don’t just confess your faith or sing your praises, DO what He says!
Jesus came to restore us to the God-life (which is really the good life).
We’re forgiven, we’re filled with God’s Spirit, we’re free to live in/with/like/for Jesus.
But it takes effort and determination, it takes work to build a solid life.
Words are not enough!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, Lord… it’s going to take more than saying this to get my life on track. You’ve done You’re part to help me, now I need to do my part. No more excuses…


  1. Lately I have been thinking often about the words of worship songs — particularly a line in “amazing love” that says “in all I do, I honor you”. Hmmm. Do I honor You with all my actions Lord? When I snap at my kid, say something sarcastic to my partner, judge a coworker, fail to help someone in need, etc etc. God I know your intention is not that I should beat myself up over these things, but I pray that you would GENTLY open my eyes to areas where I can change, so that my actions will line up with the words I sing to you!!

  2. Observations/Application
    Ever play ‘Follow the leader?’ I did this little game in the primary grades after recess to get the students back to class. It was a fun game and yet the children took short cuts. They didn’t go around the swings nor under the slide or around the tree. They didn’t follow the leader.
    And so I too today must follow the Leader – Jesus Christ – Who has shown the Way. Do this and live – that’s what He said. Live and do this! Not my way but His Way. These are the rules for living for Jesus. Just do.
    In order to do I must walk where the Leader walked. I follow His example in my walk and talk and doing. I must be more like Jesus each day in all I do and say.
    Can others see Jesus in me?

    Lord, help me daily in my walk and talk to be more like Your Son.

    To be like Jesus, to be like Jesus!
    My desire- to be like Him!
    And thru life’s journey from earth to glory
    My desire- to be like Him!

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