Just like Dad!

SCRIPTURE: Luke 6:32-36
Adam and Eve were created to be like God… in God’s likeness.
They were sons and daughters of God, not just because God created them but because they acted like God.
Loving, doing good, sharing with those in need… just like the Most High God.
When Adam and Eve sinned, they became like Satan: hating, doing evil, stealing from others.
Jesus challenges His followers to be ‘just like God’ and not ‘just like other sinners’.
Even sinners love the lovable, are good to the good, and lend to those who can pay back.
But God is not like that – thankfully, or we would all be in trouble.
God loves the unlovable, is good to those who are not good, a give to those who cannot pay back.
Jesus is the Word of God made human, like God, a Son of the Most High God.
He is the Son – like Adam before He sinned – with whom God is well-pleased.
Through Jesus, God saves us to restore us, to make us His sons and daughters again.
And this means to be like God: loving, doing good, sharing with those in need… just like the Most High God.
So who am I more like – just like sinners, or just like Dad?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, I want to be like You, but I need Your help. I still have ‘sinner’ in me, holding me back. Thank You for not treating me as I deserve, but for loving me despite my sin. I want to be Your Son, just like You!

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    The gospel in one word is love.
    Love God.
    Love man.
    And how do I show that love?
    By imitating the Master. Doing what Jesus did. Living God’s Way.
    Love my enemies.
    Dp good to all.
    Share my God given resources.
    I am not my own but I was bought for a price.
    Today I need to live for my Champion and be His champion.
    In all my ways acknowledge Him. Living for Jesus. Imitating the Father just like a small child desires to walk in his father’s footsteps. I need to walk where He walked. I must imitate Him always. Be like Jesus unto others.

    Help me this day Lord to walk in the Way.

    To be like Jesus, to be like Jesus!
    My desire- to be like Him!
    And thru life’s journey from earth to glory
    My desire- to be like Him!

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