the ouch of sin

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 17
Ouch!!! OK, so the part about God’s promise for an heir is great. The name change is cool, father of many nations! The reaffirmation of His promise to give the land of Canaan to his heirs, great! But the whole circumcision thing just gets to me. I started thinking about what this day must have been like for all those men and boys? Can you imagine waiting in line for this? Can you imagine being willing to go through with it?

Why circumcision? My study notes say (1) it was a sign of obedience (2) a sign of belonging to the covenant people (3) a symbol of cutting off the old lie of sin, and (4) possibly a health measure. Did God adopt and adapt this practice from other religions, or is this the first time it is introduced? But the question still comes up for me, why circumcision?

I know from later in the Bible the practice is eventually displaced by the new symbol of union with God’s people in Christ, namely baptism (Colossians 2:11-12). I also know that circumcision of the heart is the real thing that God is concerned about (see Romans 2:29, Ephesians 2:11).

Maybe something this radical was necessary to impress on Abraham how serious his relationship with God was, how serious the issue of sin was and how God would address this serious problem through his circumcised offspring? Sexual sin is, after all, one of the main ways that our world is so twisted and messed up. So maybe circumcision was God’s ways of making a point: “I am going to use your reproductive organ to save the world, don’t you use it to mess the world up!”

Repentance and God-confidence. Stop using our bodies as instruments of immorality, and let God use our bodies as instruments of life, hope, peace and mercy. Cut off (get rid of) those behaviours that are immoral, and put on those behaviours that are positive, healthy, God-honouring (see Ephesians 4:21-32 and Colossians 3:5-15 for more on “putting off” and “putting on” behaviours). If my hand causes me to sin, cut it off! If my eye causes me to sin, gouge it out! (Matthew 5:27-30) Jesus uses hyperbole to stress the seriousness of sin. Better to cut it off, than risk it cutting us off from God!

Lord, I know that I am often soft on sin, and tolerate behaviours that dishonour You, and harm others and myself. Help me to take sin seriously, and to trust in Your forgiveness and help!


  1. I am grateful that today God requires a circumcision of the heart – why? Probably because, as a woman, I feel more included in His covenant. I understand that women were under the authority of the men in the days of Abraham, but I feel more directly involved here now.

    The only issue I have is in answering the question: have I truely handed over my heart to be cut or circumcised?

    “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart, O God, Thou wilt not despise” Psalm 51:17

  2. LORD, thank You for allowing us to see into Abram’s life, that even a blameless man such that he was, also had moments of doubt, of unbelief. Thank You LORD for showing us that You love us despite these moments and struggles in our lives. LORD, may my faith be always growing so that those moments are less and less.

    Thank You LORD for allowing Your promises, Your good and perfect plans for my life to unfold in Your time, when You know that I am ready to receive. Grant me patience to wait on You.

    LORD, what would my name be if You could give me a new name today? What does my faith walk reveal? What do my characteristics reveal? What does my heart speak to You?

    LORD, what kind of ‘sign’, ‘mark’ or ‘symbol’ does my life make on this world today for others to see? Do I live in such a way that clearly reveals that I am Your child, that I live for You? LORD, forgive me for the times when I just blend in and that my identity in You is not apparent.

    LORD, thank You for sending Your Son to mark me as Yours. Thank You LORD that my identity is in Christ and that nothing I can do can change that mark on my life.

    LORD, Ishmael was a result of Abram, Hagar and Sarai’s sin yet these scriptures reveal Your love for him as well. Thank You LORD that You allow nothing to stand in Your way of loving us. Thank You LORD for making beautiful things of my ugliness.

    LORD, may I my life be about obeying You, living Your will, allowing You to shine through my life so that You are glorified. May others see You in my life.

    LORD, reveal the things of my life that I too must give over to You. LORD, help me to let go of things that hinder my relationship, my walk with You. Grant me the strength to allow You to cut sin out of my life. LORD, may Your Son Jesus and the redemption power of His blood be the mark that reveals who I am in this world. Thank You LORD for changing my name.

  3. Once again, the covenant is renewed. Mankind needs a constant reminder – God is our God and we are part of His people. Serve Him!

    The covenant was for Abraham and his seed – his household. Also today, I need to live daily in the fact – as for me and my household, we will serve the living God. And as Abraham prayed for Ishmael, I too, need to pray for my children that they too remain in the promises of God – His children – kept in His covenant – walking daily in His presence.

    As circumcision was a distinguishing mark of those walking with God, what is my distinguishing feature/mark/sign that I am a Christ follower? Others can tell that I am a Christian because . . . of my love, my servant leadership, acts of kindness, speaking the Word, showing His faithfulness in my life . . . what sets me apart?

    Thank You Lord for Your promise and saving grace. Help me to live for You this day in the most excellent way.

    How shall the young direct their way?
    What light shall be their perfect guide?
    Thy Word, O Lord, will safely lead,
    If in its wisdom they confide.
    Sincerely I have sought Thee, Lord,
    O let me not from Thee depart;
    To know Thy will and keep from sin
    Thy Word I cherish in my heart.

    O blessèd Lord, teach me Thy law,
    Thy righteous judgments I declare;
    Thy testimonies make me glad,
    For they are wealth beyond compare.
    Upon Thy precepts and Thy ways
    My heart will meditate with awe;
    Thy Word shall be my chief delight,
    And I will not forget Thy law.

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